Cyberbullying Proposal


Actors: Adam Shane

Props:  Phone, Computers, Rope, Chair

Location: Library Café Park

We are promoting bullying uk

And we are doing cyber bullying and how it affects people based on their religion ethnicity and gender and sexual orientation.


Purpose for our proposal:

The campaign we're making is to mainly inform and educate the public audience about the effect and causes cyber bullying has on many people, aged from 12+, cyber bullying can target anyone and must be stopped. We want to raise awareness for this problem because many children and people who surf the web intend to either be cyber bullied or they're the cyber bullies. Although, these people may believe that they're not doing nothing wrong by just called people offence terms or names, these small things can have a big impact on the person being bullied and, because of this racial profiling, name calling, gender profiling, or sexual bullying, they end up either hurting themselves and believe those online bullies and most likely end up committing suicide.


By creating this campaign we can use effective methods to try stop cyber bullying but if not, we can just educate the audience and inform everyone, how bad cyber bullying can be and whether it's affecting you or someone you know; there's someone out there who care and want to help. This problem is life threatening and no one deserves to be judge based upon their beliefs, religion, skin colour, sexuality, gender or even by the way the speak. This problem must be tackled and we must raise awareness for this, because it's not just a question where people say ; 'oh, it was just a joke' or 'oh, they're dumb if they kill themselves', it's an actual problem, where people get emotional and take offence, whether you mean it as a joke or not.


Cyber bullying doesn't only effect people by wanting to kill them self, it can affect them mentally or feel isolated; from school, friends, food or even their own family, hence why a lot of people are afraid to talk about it or mention it because they think they will be judge in some way. Statistics from a website called 'cyberbullyinghotline' show how badly cyber bullying can effect someone; 42% of teenager with tech access report being cyber bullied over the past year, 69% of teens who own a computer or smartphone, 80% are active on social media, 3 million kids per month are absent from school due to bullying and 20% of kids cyber bullied think about suicide, and 1 in 10 attempt it.


Target Audience/Ethnicity


The target audience for our campaign video will be aimed at generally anyone and everyone, especially those who suffer from cyber bullied or who have been cyber bullied or knows someone who's being cyber bullied. However, cyber bullying affects mainly teenager and children from the age around 13+ but it can still affect anyone, who has access to the internet through their smartphones or computers. We want to inform this target audience because they generally experience this but may also know someone who has been affected by this. But, we still want to aim our campaign at anyone who has access to the internet and feels isolated or disturbed from cyber bullying, or just want's help because we want our video to help and remind people that, someone out there cares, and we can help. Although, this is our main target audience, we want to inform every target audience because we want to inform and educate and raise awareness for this problem and stop cyber bullying for once and for all.

The ethnicity/gender will come under all and this isn't really targeted at any specific, just everyone who has experienced or knows someone who goes through cyber bullying. However, ethnicity could be a major problem because a lot of people online get bullied for their race or ethnicity and those people being bullied may feel wrong about their own ethnicity but we want them to know, they're not, nothing it wrong with them at all.  



How the campaign will be filmed/Synopsis


We will film our campaign using various equipment and props such as; a chair, a rope, a laptop, a camera and have actors. We will film someone using the internet and gets sent a message by people form their school after posting something or just gets targeted, the camera will do a close up and focus of the multiple text messages sent, with bad words or racial discrimination etc. It will swap between her face and the screen, with an over shoulder shot which aims at her typing etc. After this, they will try ignore it but they get messages on their phone and it just keeps attacking them, to the point where they end up committing suicide by hanging themselves. We will do this by using certain props and camera angles and different shots which make it look like they hanging them self but they're just standing normally, it will be filmed in a dark room, with artificial lighting aimed at their face, with sad music.



This campaign will be shown on YouTube and on and shared out on Instagram our audience will access this video though the instagram app and the YouTube app and or the YouTube website and the Instagram website to. We will want our video to be shared across all these social media websites and we wish to raise as much possible awareness. If possible, advertise it on TV or post this as adverts during YouTube videos; where people can’t skip the video, as this will actually make them ‘have’ to watch it and will be informed; this is where we use the term ‘hypodermic needle theory’, to feed information to the audience and they intake whether they wish too or not.



The video campaign will be located in around about three different settings; one will the park, two a dark room and finally, college/school.

The campaign video will around about 3 minutes long but we will need roughly a week to be able to film and edit it.

The equipment and props we need are; a rope, a chair, light, computer/smartphone.

Our campaign will be cost effective due to the amount of props and equipment we will use, and we anticipate to make it realistic as possible to create effectiveness.



Legal & Ethical Issues
There will be legal and ethical issues due to our video may harm people mentally or may not like the fact of seeing characters in a state of suicide/depression; therefore, we will provide the viewers/audience with the correct issues before the video starts, something along the lines of "If you're sensitive to ... then please refer from watching the video now", etc.
However, our video is aimed to promote good morals, as we wish to raise awareness for this problem and to do so, we must provide a realistic video and show audiences that things like this, actually do happen and does affect people.
Our campaign video may offend some viewers due to the words/phrases used to show effectiveness; we would advise them it may have racial profiling or swearing and it's aimed at a certain mature age range.
The information is factually correct and is not biased.




  1. I think there are significant problems with this idea. In terms of ethical issues, you are giving out a very negative (and possibly risky) message about bullying- that it is hopeless and leads to suicide! This needs to be carefully checked and changed. V


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