Unit 13 Task B

Image result for drake official album cover


Style: Cartoon
Genre: Music

The genre for this example/image is music, it is an album cover and the style used for
this is Cartoon.

The composition of this album cover with the cartoon child draws
 your attention towards it because of the colours used on this album cover
 and the background colour is very light but it looks simple, but simple can be better.

The image of the child remains dominant because of the darker colour.
The proportion of the cartoon-like animation in the middle is perfect because it is a
good centerpiece and looks fine without another image, The clouded sky background outlines

The point of focus is the child which is supposed to be of a younger Drake who is
 a music artist. This can also link to the style because of how it looks, it is a cartoon
 styled younger version of this artist.

The colour used in this are light colours like blue and white for the clouds in the background.

The typography on the right blends in with the background because
of the colour so it easily contrasts with the cloudy background because
 of the font colour and it also looks like a sketch which can go hand in hand with
 the cartoon style. The typography on the left stands out more because of the black
being used on a light background.

This album cover can connote Drake’s career, because he is very successful and his
 career has skyrocketed. This can also denote his fame from a young age because even
 before his music career he was an actor on a tv program from canada.

The most important elements on this album cover is the cartoon version and
writing of Drake because it his album and this helps spot it is by him, the less important
 elements are the background even though it works very well with the typography and animation.
 The shape of this album is a square to fit the only one CD(Mp3 Audio) in.


Style: Anime
Genre: Graphic Novel

The composition of the image is very typical for most manga's/graphic novels because they
like to showcase the main character and in this case it happens to be afro thunder.

The point of focus is Afro Samurai because he is in the center and the
 proportion of Afro is massive to a point so that the his body is not fully
 on display, you just have a mid shot on the manga cover. Also because of the
black, white and grey colour and white background your eye is drawn to him mostly.

What can be inferred/connoted from this is that he is not in a playful mood, you can tell
this by his facial expression and the way he is wielding his sword he is about to kill.

Denotations that can be made from this anime styled graphic are that
the sword denotes violence, anger and death.

Typography, the typography used in this is very bold and noticeable because
 of the large and red outlined font on the lower middle.
Then there is also darker typography but it is in Japanese,
 this shows the diverse audience (because of the English and Japanese writing).

Legibility, the statement or mood this cover creates is that whoever angered this person
 will not get off lightly.

The hierarchy of this graphic novel cover is that Afro is the most important element
and the typography is the least important, because one not everyone is going to understand
the typography and two is that the anime styled person is going to recognized by fans and
looked at by most.

Style: Futuristic
Genre: Science fiction (Sci-Fi)
The composition of this poster shows two sides of this movie (moving image) 
 poster which is set in the future, you can connote this because of the car on the right
 which is ahead of our time and by also the title,”2049”.

This Poster has two points of focus because on both sides where a line has been used to
 divide the images into two.

The film is about clones and slowly more clones are starting to appear more than humans
even though they are the same kind but one is artificial, from the picture i can infer/connote
 that the image on the left showing the older man in a decayed environment is showing that
 they are being forgotten about and left but the right shows a much more desirable way to
live with the futuristic car in a much better, maintained environment.    

The colour used on both backgrounds on each sides are like a thick fog but provide great
detail for the props and people in front of it, also the point of focus is split, you will generally
look in the middle but you will see the older man and younger man. The older man has a gun
and is fixated on the younger man, this can foreshadow the plot of the futuristic science movie.
 This poster can denote, change, violence because there is a weapon and mystery because of the fog.    

The typography used is utilised well because it goes with the poster by
 blending in with the fog and also by being bold it suits the overall image.

Hierarchy, the most important element is the two character and the props in the background because
 they could have a greater with position or gesture they make and also the name is important
because not many people will recognise it without.



  1. At the moment this would just about sit on pass level as your analysis is very brief. Although you have used good examples here you have not linked much of your analysis back to style/genre - which is the purpose of task 1.

    2A.P1 (Pass) you have described different graphic styles in three media genres.


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